• Colby Leachman is an Entrepreneur and Angel Investor interested in acquiring tech startups. Backed by 10 years of experience in business development, Leachman is a pioneer in AI enterprise software applications.

    Venice Beach Startup Sphere

    Colby Leachman is an accomplished entrepreneur and business developer based out of Santa Monica, CA. Leachman found his footing as an entrepreneur in the Venice Beach startup sphere. He is a visionary entrepreneur who was fortunate enough to establish a career in tandem with the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration. Growing as a professional in the heat of innovation has been quite the thrill! Backed by a unique business acumen steeped in innovation, Leachman is an early expert in new and exciting startup spheres. His enterprise software applications integrate AI into the tech utilized. He looks forward to contributing to major innovation in the areas of Enterprise Software Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Cannabis Industry and Healthcare Industry.


    Angel Investing

    Entrepreneur Colby Leachman is an Angel Investor in the Cannabis Industry and Healthcare Industry. No stranger to innovation, Leachman is a proud pioneer of industries in their earliest iterations. The entrepreneur explains that this approach simply comes with the territory of the startup sphere! Leachman is currently interested in collaborating with visionaries in Healthcare and the Cannabis Industry. He brings a multitude of experience in tech and software applications to the table, which can prove beneficial to any venture in its startup phase.